Influencer Marketing for Startups: Benefits and Tips

Influencer Marketing for Startups

Without a sensible marketing campaign, your startup may not be able to reach its full potential. Every startup strives to create brand awareness, reach the target audience, and drive conversions. And that’s where influencer marketing comes into the picture. Research shows that 89% of marketers say influencer marketing’s ROI matches or exceeds other marketing channels. […]

Pros and Cons of Influencer Marketing: Is it Right for Your Business?

Pros and Cons of Influencer Marketing

You’ll often hear the term “influencer marketing” being thrown around in the world of business and advertising. After all, 49% of consumers trust influencer recommendations over traditional advertisements. This is why the global influencer marketing market size has tripled since 2019. It shows that influencer marketing has the potential to be a valuable tool for […]

Micro Influencers -The Right Way to Reach Millennials

Micro influencers are recruited by small-to-medium businesses for advertising and endorsing their brands, while large companies still turn towards macro influencers which include celebrities such as models, actors, and athletes for marketing.

Portal Influencer Strategy: Want to Earn Millennial Business?

Millennials are shaking up the way we do life. They’ve been credited with killing the restaurant industry. They’re placing a higher emphasis on work-life balance. And they’re even changing the way companies market to this massive yet somewhat-elusive audience.

Instagram aesthetic: Why overly curated Instagram feeds are on the decline

instagram aesthetics

As Instagram grew in popularity as a social media platform, so did the idea of an Instagram aesthetic. Influencers, brands, and even individuals have been judged on the quality of their overall feeds. But gradually, a shift has been moving through the Insta world, away from those painstakingly curated grids and towards more authentic snapshots of the lives of users and brands

The Emergence of Career Influencing: From Chinese Classrooms to Global Platforms

career influencing

China has 700 million smartphone users, which is 3.5 times more than what America has. Given the amount of users with smartphones and the popularity of social media in China, Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College has pioneered in a course to show students how to be a social media celebrity. The specific course is called “Modelling and Etiquette” and the curriculum teaches students how to work with photos, edit videos, present their taste in a certain way, develop a unique fashion sense, how to become an expert in a field where they can thrive in social media, like make-up and recruit loyal followers.